Wednesday, June 16, 2010

She's here!!

This sweet little angel wouldn't let us take her picture the first go round but the second time...she was all about it! Her beautiful big eyes were wide awake through most of the shoot but we did catch some of her sleepy. Congrats Mom and Dad...she's just georgous!!!!

Baby Love

One of my teacher friends is expecting her first baby! It's a girl and we are ALL excited for her arrival. I was able to talk her into showing a little belly and I'm so glad she did. We got some fabulous photos of Baby J. We can't wait to meet her!!!!

One Year Old! Spring, TX

So, we tried and tried to get the sweet boy's pictures taken but the weather would NOT cooperate. On our 4th try, we did it and what a blast it was!! He just turned a year. We met in the morning before the Texas weather could beat us. And I'm proud to say we won!! Check out Mr. D celebrating year 1!